Be Still

It’s been a while since I’ve decided to write but I have so much to share (I promise not to bore you all in one post ;). I constantly find myself on the go now a days and it has really been a challenge trying to balance my life and maintain my peace. I mean some days I feel like I’m superwoman and I can do anything and other days I feel like I completely wasted my day away. Today just so happens to be one of those days I feel I wasted (Don’t judge me). Now don’t get me wrong, I was productive in going to work, working out, and even making sure my daughter got to and from her cheer practice, but I found myself not doing anything I LOVE or was passionate about (until now of course). With that said, I found myself hopping in my car today, leaving my phone at home and taking a ride just to talk to God,Universe,Humanity you get the point..(this is where the maintain my peace part kicks in). Now usually as often as I do this, I don’t tend to share it with the world but the message I received today won’t allow me to keep it to myself.


So look I’m driving right,  and while I’m driving I was like:

“Ok God I know you’re here and I know you love me and all my messed up ways and I thank you for giving me grace in spite of everything, but I promise you I’m trying to get better. Right now, I’m coming to you because I just need your guidance and direction. I know where I’m at is not where I’m supposed to be forever, but I am having a hard time understanding what my purpose is at the moment. If you could, just reveal to me my purpose. I’m not ungrateful for where you have placed me and I appreciate all you have given me, but I never want to get to a point where I am not in a position to help others.  I trust all you have done for me and you have never led me wrong so just help me understand what I need to do to get to where you want me to be.”



It was just that simple. The message came to me while I was speaking aloud and its THIS:

THE MESSAGE IS HERE; THE MESSAGE IS HERE; THE MESSAGE IS HERE; (Just in case I lost some of y’all lol)

Sometimes where you are in the moment is not exactly where YOU want to be. It could be your job, your house, your finances, or your personal growth to name a few. In that moment we focus so hard on trying to change our circumstances (or play victim) without realizing that sometimes we have to learn to trust the process of where we are in that moment. Being still does not mean you do nothing. To me, being still means you trust the process while understanding that it will eventually change for the better WHEN ITS SUPPOSED TO(disclaimer: It may get worse before it gets better, speaking from experience, but don’t let that get the best of you). You continue to push toward the things that will ultimately fulfill you, while ACCEPTING that the change MAY NOT COME when you’re ready for it, but with persistence and commitment it will come IF ITS FOR YOU (so yes, you may work toward something and never get it, if it’s not meant for you to have–the hardest pill to swallow sometime but a reality we must all accept at some point). So don’t be discouraged because you didn’t get that position you been hoping for. Don’t get overwhelmed because you can’t find or maybe even afford your dream house. Don’t give up because your bank account isn’t where you’d like it to be. Don’t stop trying to build your credit. Just keep trusting the process knowing that eventually CHANGE WILL OCCUR.


Younger Self: Don’t get so down when you’re not where you want to be in life. It may not seem like it now, but you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, just relax and keep pushing.

Future Self: Continue to Be Still when necessary, while confidently knowing that nothing in life will stay the same. Wait until you see what’s next!


To everyone reading this know this:

You are loved, You are strong, You are courageous, You are unique, You are beautiful/handsome, and You have purpose because you are here on this earth. I hope that you find peace in whatever keeps you up at night. Rest easy knowing that tomorrow brings another opportunity to start your day positively and go after your dreams. Its not too late, use the resources around you and giving up is not an option.



5 thoughts on “Be Still”

  1. I felt every word if this blog. I’m tired. But I cant help but wonder what God is doing. Because soooooo many other women I know is feeling the same way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Queen I’m glad this message reached you. I know it can be difficult but try not to overcrowd your mind with thoughts of the unknown. It’s in our nature to be curious of what the future holds but just continue pushing toward the things you are passionate about and everything will fall into place in due time. It may not make sense right now but it will. Just remember that you purpose is tied to your contribution to the world. Peace. Love and Blessings to you. I’ll be writing more soon.


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